Shift Left for the Commissioning Process of Data Center Projects

Event Time

Tuesday, February 11 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM

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Event Location

Location: W311AB


Event Information

Title: Shift Left for the Commissioning Process of Data Center Projects

Description: Traditional methods used to commission data centers have shifted to accommodate changing requirements, environmental concerns, and other factors that impact the commissioning process. This presentation will explain the purpose, methodology, and benefits of the commissioning process as it relates to data center construction projects and identify the roles and responsibilities of commissioning team members within the process, with particular emphasis on the role of the commissioning provider.

Credits: 1 PDH | Check with your state for their continuing education credits requirements.

Level: Intermediate

Cost: FREE to all registered AHR Expo attendees

Type: Free Industry Seminars

Hosted By

  • AABC Commissioning Group (ACG)



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