Advanced Design for Zero-Energy and Low-Carbon Buildings

Event Time

Sunday, February 9 3:30 PM - 6:30 PM

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Event Location

Location: OCCC, room TBD


Event Information

Title: Advanced Design for Zero-Energy and Low-Carbon Buildings

Description: This advanced course is for professional engineers and architects who want to expand their practice to include the design, construction, and operation of zero energy (net zero) buildings. The first principle of zero energy design is to make the building as energy-efficient as possible. On-site renewable energy systems will then be added to achieve these efficiency goals. If adequate on-site zero energy is not feasible, then options for off-site renewable energy should be explored. The test for zero energy is at the energy meter, so proper commissioning and operator training are critical to success. The zero-energy principles outlined above will be presented with case studies and examples showing how other design professionals have met the zero-energy goal.

Register: For more information or to register, visit

Credits: 3 PDHs/AIA LUs | Check with your state for their continuing education credits requirements.

Level: Advanced

Cost: $249 ($189 ASHRAE Members); early bird discounts may apply

Type: ASHRAE Learning Institute Courses ($)

Hosted By

  • ASHRAE Learning Institute


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