Empowering our Workforce with Emotional Intelligence: Building a Sustainable Future

Event Time

Monday, February 10 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM

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Event Location

Location: W311D


Event Information

Title: Empowering our Workforce with Emotional Intelligence: Building a Sustainable Future

Description: What is Emotional Intelligence?
Discover the importance of EI for HVAC professionals in managing client demands and team communication under pressure.

The Science Behind EI:
Learn how emotional responses impact decision-making and stress management in high-stakes HVAC environments.

Benefits of High Emotional Intelligence:
Professionals with high EI handle stress better, resolve conflicts faster, and build stronger relationships.

Create Your Personal Action Plan:
Develop strategies to enhance your EI, improving leadership and performance in demanding HVAC scenarios.

Credits: 1 PDH | Check with your state for their continuing education credits requirements.

Level: Entry Level

Cost: FREE to all registered AHR Expo attendees

Type: Free Industry Seminars

Hosted By

  • AHR Expo



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