Metasys 14.0 Delivers Unprecedented Lifecycle Value for Sustainable Buildings

Event Time

Monday, February 10 5:15 PM - 5:35 PM

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Event Location

Location: Theater C


Event Information

Title: Metasys 14.0 Delivers Unprecedented Lifecycle Value for Sustainable Buildings

Description: Revolutionizing building automation since the 1990s, the latest Metasys 14.0 blends decades of expertise with cutting-edge innovation. Its prominent new features enhance system security and resilience, boost architectural flexibility, and improve engineering and operational efficiency. Designed with the user in mind, the optimized intuitive navigation and guided troubleshooting offer seamless experiences. Get instant insights with the ready-to-use energy dashboard right at users’ fingertips. The Connected Workflow Toolsets maximize efficiency throughout the entire building lifecycle.

Cost: FREE to all registered AHR Expo attendees

Type: New Product Presentations

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